[Galaxy s6] Custom Rom for MTK6572 [4.4.2]

Posted by Andro Flash Media on Monday, October 12, 2015

Custom Rom for MT6572
Samsung Galaxy s6 Rom

Do not Copy/Publish Rom or Content from here.

Rom Info:
Chipset: MTK6572
Android Version: 4.4.2
Kernel: 3.4.67

Galaxy s6 Features
Smooth Performance
Galaxy s6 UI
Galaxy s6 Settings
Galaxy s6 Lock Screen
Open Camera Added

Stock Camera and Some options forced closed 


Galaxy s6 Rom 

Credit and Thanks

Porting Guide:
You need stock rom system folder and stock boot.img also extracted port rom files. Now create a folder on your desktop, inside create a folder called “sotck” and a folder called “port”. copy stock system folder and boot.img on “stock” folder you have created before, now copy port rom files on “port” folder you have created. Then open stock and open port rom system folder too side by side.
The porting process begins:

Delete these folders on stock and replace it from port:
1. /system/app
2. /system/framework
3. /system/fonts
4. /system/media
5. /system/priv-app
6. /system/build.prop

8. Copy any extra files in the Port ROM (folders or files out of the “system” folder, not boot.img) and paste i ton “stock” folder

9. Copy all in /system/bin from port to stock (do not replace anything)

10. Copy all files except platform.xml and handheld_core_hardware.xml from        /system/etc/permissions from port to stock

11.  Copy all files from /system/lib/ not folders only archives and paste them in Stock ROM /system/lib/ (do not replace anything)

12. Now go to META-INF/com/google/Android/ and change the mount points on updater-script accordingly to your device 

13. now select all (files and folders) on “Stock” folder you have created and compress it to a .zip archive, copy to your sd ccard and flash it with a custom recovery.

Flash Process:
If you use Touch-Philz recovery go to “wipe and formats” and select “clean to install a new ROM” wait the process, after that select “wipe Dalvik/ART chache”. Go back and select “install zip” and now “choose zip from sd card” if you have paste the ROM on your micro-SD choose the rom.zip and wait the process, when it done reboot, and enjoy the rom.

N.B. : Do all things at your won Risk. I will not be responsible for any kind of Brick/Damage of your Device/Phone.


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